
I just came back from some pretty amazing places to visit. It was the longest holiday that I have had and one I can only describe as life changing. The trip to Portugal and Ireland simply changed my perspective on the time I have lived in Australia. Don’t get me wrong Australia is a great place to be and live. But there was always something amiss. Who knows I may be living my final years somewhere else. So go on get out there and see the world. You don’t know what you’re missing.

View from our apartment in Madeira.


Fr Simeon came to our parish of St Catherine of Siena Caroline Springs about 18 Months ago. He will soon make his way to Mernda to further his priesthood there. Fr Simeon from Burma, has been a blessing for our parish. Blessed with a beautiful melodic singing voice he has garnered the youth and been an incredible help to our parish priest Fr Richard. I have found in him a true friend. Thank you Fr Simeon for your friendship.

Fr Simeon Anthony amongst parishioners.

May 2022

Wow! Can’t believe that its already 2 May 2022. Where has the time gone. Much has happened since then. I started at role at the AEC as DMM Gorton, then it changed to DMM Site. We are only a few weeks away from an election. Wow! We had birthdays celebrated from Jan to now and most of our birthdays are in Feb. Our daughter turned 21 and has commenced her final year in a 4 year Master’s OT program and is now doing placement. We celebrated my and my wife birthday in March. Our anniversary in January and many more.

As President elect for Rotary Caroline Springs I have learnt much and encountered much as well. It’s going to be a challenging role from what I can already see. But I believe in myself to serve as a Rotarian. Our changover should happen around 3rd July. District assembly on 28 May. We had my first conference in Albury in April. Something I will not forget. We drove up there with another Rotarian and learnt a lot about what Rotary is all about. All in all its going to be a good year.


Well its Monday again, but wait is the 24 Jan 2022. Where did January go. I have commenced full time work again, but on a contractual, labour hire basis. It’s good to be back at work. At work, at work that is, not working from home. Back in the office of sorts but in a warehouse. Life’s good. Have a great Monday everyone.

Saturday in CS

Cold outside in CS this spring day. Rain is expected for the weekend, so bring a brolie. Today I had a capability lesson for Rotary President Elect which I will commence after June 2022. The year is almost over and what a challenging year it had been for all of us. Christmas is fast approaching are our shopping or doing it online. What holds for me in 2022 will have to be seen. Plans though are afoot.

My Big day

Today marks a pretty important day for me. You see today my mother gave birth to me. Mum is 90 this year and Dad 93. Guess you could say I am fortunate that I am blessed that they are both alive. I believe I am. Although they are km away in Singapore mum and still connect via whatapps on video. It means a lot for me. Add everyday I chat with Mum and sometimes dad. He does not use technology at all.

I am also blessed as I have an amazing wife that keeps me on the straight and narrow and a beautiful daughter who is in uni. I also have 2 jack Russell’s. So today when I turn 62, yes it’s just a number I am grateful that I have been blessed with such abundance in life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 🙏💧🌿🤗❤

What’s 2021 going to hold for me…


Well we are now in Feb 2021. January has gone and I have begun new journeys into my retired life. I have begun learning how essential oils can provide me a Healthier Lifestyle and how they work on my body. They help ground and calm me and helps to keep me balanced. Being a Young Living wholesaler now for 2 years I am finally getting into the business side of YL. I am an O.I.L.E.R . I know not where it will take me but all things considered I expect to make a good business out of it slowly and surely within the next 6 months. My mind is set. On the spiritual side I have joined an Alpha course and will continue to assist in RCIA classes within our parish.


Tomorrow is the 4th of Feb and our daughter will be 20 Years Old. No longer a teenager. She has her whole life ahead of her. With 2 years left to complete her degree in OT she will be challenged. We have no doubt that she will do well as she seems to like the course and what it teachers her. I sometimes feel like I am losing her and often miss her being around as she spends a lot of time as her boyfriend house. Sonia and I have each other and we pray that this Corvid business will soon be controlled where we can travel again without worry and fuss. In the mean time life goes on.

Jan 22 2021

Wow! We are already in 2021 and January is almost over. Next week my wife and I celebrate 32 years of marriage. Yes 32 years. But I have know her for 38 years. Is 6 years of dating too long. I don’t think so. We needed time to get to know each other and she needed to find her career. Is 32 years of marriage a long time. Well my parents have been married for 68 years and whilst their twilight years aren’t the best, we do become one for better or for worse. Like them I could not think of someone better to go through life with than Sonia.

She grounds me and makes me whole. Keeps me on the straight path and whilst we have had our ups and downs we love each other. That love may have changed over the years but its still love. A lot has happened in that time. We have a daughter that turns 20 next month and is doing an OT course. I believe she enjoys it. We have had friends and family gone before us and we miss them dearly. We have also migrated to Australia and I am now retired.

What does 2021 hold for us is already coming to past. My cousin Melissa has just passed away after her 9 year battle with Cancer. Sonia Aunt too is unwell and her Dad is battling the effects of diabetes in his old age. Corvid is still with us and will be for a long time to come. It is having untold stress and impact on all our lives as we can’t travel to see loved ones and its has impacted our work and everyday life. For someone that is retired that may not be much but I feel I have to be close at hand for my wife and daughter. As January comes to a close tomorrow our RCIA candidates will receive Baptism, confirmation and Communion that they couldn’t have in Mar 2020. We will catch up with friends at Elwood Beach and on Sunday will attend a Minyan for Melissa. Next week too one of our parishioners Joanne Muscat who passed away too on the same day as Melissa from the same Cancer is to be buried. In all not a great start to the year. But we must count our blessings and live on. Love on.


What a great analogy. We all go through some mud from time to time. I see the mud as part of our life. They are the obstacles that we face in life. Sometimes the mud is thick and wet. Sometimes slush. It matters not about the mud.

What matters is how we stand in that mud. We are all different but each of us can get through any mud as long as we stand tall. Our height is not the problem, its our attitude, our focus. How we stand in that mud. We can get through anything but only if we want to. Only if YOU want to. Challenge yourself. Change yourself.

How deep is the mud.