Dec 2020

Well it’s almost over. Most of it has been lived at home in lockdown. As we now hit our 38 day on Corvid free days and nil deaths more of Melbourne is opening up. But is Corvid over for us or as it’s summer the Corvid virus has gone into hibernation. Europe and the USA are now in winter and are seeing their Corvid numbers rise significantly with many deaths.

They enjoyed their summers months and went about as if there was no Corvid about. Threw caution to the wind and lived their lives as per normal. Now feeling the effects of what Corvid is really all about. We must never take something like this virus for granted but we did and many still do. As we head to Christmas and the end of the year who is able to predict what 2021 holds for us all. Vaccines are being offered by the major pharmaceutical companies at an astounding rate with the one that has the true vaccine winning the prize and making billions of dollars. Not to mention that they are still making billions from all the medication that they have supplied us so far. Will the vaccine work. Who knows. Only time will tell.

The US has had an election and the losing President does not want to concede defeat as he should but instead says the election is rigged. Travel between countries is still minimal if any and all visitors must quarantine on entry. In a way it’s good that here we live on an big island and can now travel interstate with some restrictions. Many people we know has passed on or have fallen very ill not just from Corvid but from other illnesses. All in all 2020 has been a bad year for everyone. Too much hardship, pain and suffering.

On the bright side we are grateful for new found friends and family that are still with us. We are grateful for our health and for having survived one of the worst years in everyone life. We are also grateful for new beginnings and new life that has come and will be coming. Nature has a way to correct what we, humankind, have created or destroyed. If anything this year has been a year for family for coming back to our roots and discovering relationships within our family. But only if we have seen it.